Frequently-Asked Questions about Sitecore and Managed Search

SearchStax offers many pages of Solr/Sitecore-related information, most of which were written in response to frequently-asked questions about connecting SearchStax Managed Search service deployments to Sitecore websites.

This page presently the full list of pages for rapid review.

SearchStax Help Center Sitecore Topics

The following topics are found in the SearchStax Help Center.

Can SearchStax provide Solr indexing to Sitecore?

SearchStax has hundreds of Sitecore clients. See the Sitecore/Solr Compatibility page for more information.

Sitecore Connection Errors

Managed Search customers sometimes encounter issues when connecting Sitecore to Solr Cloud for the first time. The issues are so common that a developer can encounter them in sequence (fix… Continue reading Sitecore Connection Errors

Can we use Sitecore’s SwitchOnRebuild with SearchStax?

Users sometimes ask about using Sitecore’s “Switch on Rebuild” type configuration. This uses a secondary core which can be read while the primary core is being rebuilt. SWAP vs. CREATEALIAS… Continue reading Can we use Sitecore’s SwitchOnRebuild with SearchStax?

Optimizing the xConnect Search Service

Sitecore offers a page of advice about optimizing search and indexing of your xDB index.

Why does Sitecore fail to populate schemas?

While connecting Sitecore to Solr Cloud, some clients encounter a problem trying to populate the schema used by the Sitecore collections. It often looks like this: This occurs when Sitecore… Continue reading

Lowering &rows=1000000

By default, Sitecore sends queries to Solr with the &rows parameter set to 1000000. This setting places enormous stress on Solr, sometimes maximizing CPU and JVM usage, because Solr allocates… Continue reading Lowering &rows=1000000

Unpublish/Delete Fails to Remove Item from Index

If you are using Sitecore 10.0 or an older version, you might face a problem when trying to unpublish an item from the web database or even delete an item… Continue reading Unpublish/Delete Fails to Remove Item from Index

SearchStax Cloud Sitecore Topics

Topics associated with the SearchStax Managed Search Connector for Sitecore.

Sitecore/Solr Compatibility

What Sitecore/Solr combination are available for Managed Search? Some Solr releases are compatible with some Sitecore releases. Other combinations may not work at all, or may seem to work until… Continue reading Sitecore/Solr Compatibility

Sitecore 9.0

How to Integrate Apache Solr with Sitecore 9.0 using the SearchStax Managed Search Connector for Sitecore Overview SearchStax Managed Search can enable Apache Solr on a Sitecore 9.0 website. This page demonstrates… Continue reading Sitecore 9.0

Sitecore 9.1

How to Integrate Apache Solr with Sitecore 9.1 using the SearchStax Managed Search Connector for Sitecore Overview SearchStax Managed Search can be used to enable Apache Solr on a Sitecore 9.1 website.… Continue reading Sitecore 9.1

Sitecore 9.2

How to Integrate Apache Solr with Sitecore 9.2 using the SearchStax Managed Search Connector for Sitecore Overview SearchStax Managed Search can be used to enable Apache Solr on a Sitecore website. This… Continue reading Sitecore 9.2

Sitecore 9.3

How to Integrate Apache Solr with Sitecore 9.3 using the SearchStax Managed Search Connector for Sitecore Overview SearchStax Managed Search can be used to enable Apache Solr on a Sitecore 9.3 website.… Continue reading Sitecore 9.3

Sitecore 10.0

How to Integrate Apache Solr with Sitecore 10.0 using the SearchStax Managed Search Connector for Sitecore Overview SearchStax Managed Search can be used to enable Apache Solr on a Sitecore 10.0 website.… Continue reading Sitecore 10.0

Sitecore 10.1

How to Integrate Apache Solr with Sitecore 10.1 using the SearchStax Managed Search Connector for Sitecore Overview SearchStax Managed Search can be used to enable Apache Solr on a Sitecore 10.1 website.… Continue reading

Sitecore 10.2

How to Integrate Apache Solr with Sitecore 10.2 using the SearchStax Managed Search Connector for Sitecore Overview SearchStax Managed Search can be used to enable Apache Solr on a Sitecore 10.2 website.… Continue reading Sitecore 10.2

Sitecore 10.3

How to Integrate Apache Solr with Sitecore 10.3 using the SearchStax Managed Search Connector for Sitecore Overview SearchStax Managed Search can be used to enable Apache Solr on a Sitecore 10.3 website.… Continue reading Sitecore 10.3

Sitecore Custom Indexes

How to Add Custom Indexes to Sitecore using SearchStax Managed Search Overview SearchStax Managed Search can be used to add custom indexes on a Sitecore website. This page presumes that you have… Continue reading Sitecore Custom Indexes

Sitecore SwitchOnRebuild

Enable Sitecore’s SwitchOnRebuild with SearchStax Managed Search Sitecore indexes frequently have massive content with high turnover. Solr’s usual update mechanism—deleting and adding individual records followed by segment merging—is not adequate on… Continue reading

SearchStax Studio Connector for Sitecore Topics

Topics associated with the SearchStax Site Search Connector for Sitecore.

Sitecore Module 2.0.0

Sitecore Module 2.0.0 SearchStax provides a special module that connects Sitecore directly to SearchStax Site Search and lets you publish a custom search page immediately. Contents: What is the Sitecore Module?… Continue reading Sitecore Module 2.0.0

Upgrade to Module 2.0.0

Upgrading Sitecore Module from 1.4.1 to 1.7.0 How to upgrade from Sitecore Module v1.4.1 to v1.7.0 SearchStax released the latest version of its SearchStax for Sitecore package which contains several… Continue reading Upgrade to Module 2.0.0

Mapping Sitecore Fields

Mapping Sitecore Fields to SearchStax Site Search Once your data is connected to Studio, you will need to map fields from Sitecore to Studio to see search results. This is accomplished… Continue reading Mapping Sitecore Fields

Sitecore Module FAQ

Sitecore Module FAQ SearchStax has compiled the following list of “frequent questions” about the SearchStax Site Search Sitecore Module. Index rebuild operation is failing after a few seconds. How to fix… Continue reading Sitecore Module FAQ

Custom Search Page

How to Create a SearchStax Custom Search Page In a real-world project, customers using the SearchStax Sitecore Module to leverage all the SearchStudio capabilities will end up needing to customize… Continue reading Custom Search Page

Modify Configs

Modify Sitecore Module Configuration The Sitecore Module connects your Sitecore CMS to SearchStax Site Search for a customized search experience. The Module is helpful and convenient up to the moment when… Continue reading Modify Configs

Multi-Site Search

Using Multi-Site Sitecore with SearchStudio A single Sitecore instance can be used to manage multiple websites. This page describes how to set up a SearchStax Site Search project on each Sitecore… Continue reading Multi-Site Search

Multi-Root Crawling

SearchStax Site Search for Sitecore – How to configure multiple index crawler roots In certain scenarios, you might want to index multiple root items on your Sitecore content tree. This a… Continue reading Multi-Root Crawling

Sitecore Module with Docker

Sitecore Module with Docker The adoption of containers with Sitecore for both development and production purposes has been growing rapidly over the past few years, and is now a fully… Continue reading Sitecore Module with Docker

Sitecore SXA

SearchStax Site Search for Sitecore SXA SearchStax Site Search integrates with the Sitecore Experience Accelerator (SXA) to speed up the production of websites and to reuse components, layouts, and templates across a… Continue reading

Sitecore Personalization

How To Personalize Site Search for Sitecore Any developer working with Site Search for Sitecore can now personalize the search experience for different search audiences by using Site Search “Search Models.” By combining… Continue reading

Sitecore Topics from the SearchStax Blog

Plus, there are these selected blog posts from the full index of SearchStax Blog.

6 Reasons to Consider SearchStax Solr-as-a-Service

July 20, 2020
SearchStax Solr-as-a-Service has been selected by more than 200 customers over the last 4 years and here are the top 6 reasons why.
Tom Humbarger

Sitecore Relies on SearchStax Managed Solr | SearchStax Blog

August 15, 2021
In our latest Case Study, see how Sitecore implements SearchStax Managed Solr to get a more stable, secure and robust Solr environment for their website.
Tom Humbarger

Sitecore Best Practices for Solr Indexing | SearchStax Blog

Following our Sitecore best practices for Solr indexing will result in better performance and optimize resources consumption on Sitecore.
Pete Navarra

Migrating Azure Search to Solr Service for Sitecore – SearchStax

November 22, 2020
Migrating Azure Search to Solr Service for Sitecore is a fairly easy and straightforward process with SearchStax.
Karan Jeet Singh

Implement Multi-Site Search on Sitecore with SearchStudio | The Search Experience Blog

October 5, 2021
This post is a step-by-step guide for demonstrating how easy it is to set up multi-site search using the SearchStudio for Sitecore module.
Tom Humbarger

Sitecore SwitchOnRebuild and SearchStax SoIrCloud | The Search Experience Blog

April 27, 2020
Setting up the Sitecore SwitchOnRebuild feature with SolrCloud should be as simple as following the path to Grandma’s house – watch out for these red flags.
Bruce Clayton

Sitecore Solr Stop Words Made Easy | The Search Experience Blog

April 2,2019
In Sitecore, it’s easy to use Solr stop words to remove specific words from queries to parse through the content and find the exact search phrase.
Karan Jeet Singh


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