Custom JAR Files for Managed Search

SearchStax Managed Search service deployments support custom JAR files. This lets us add custom analyzers, tokenizers, query parsers, and other plugins to Solr deployments.

Premium Customers Only

Due to security issues, this Managed Search feature is restricted to Premium Customers only (Gold, Platinum, Platinum Plus).


Premium clients have access to our special Custom Jars API.

JAR File Location

To use custom JAR files, you must modify your solrconfig.xml file to add the files to the Solr classpath:

<lib dir="${solr.install.dir:../../../..}/server/solr-webapp/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/custom-jars/" regex=".*\.jar" />

Restart Required

After uploading a custom Jar, you must perform a Rolling Restart of the deployment. The API does not automatically restart the Solr nodes.

Integration with Backup/Restore

The JAR file directory in Solr is included in the Backup/Restore process.

Integration with Adding Nodes to Clusters

When you add a new node to a cluster, Managed Search will automatically copy your JAR files to the new node.

Contact Us!

Do not hesitate to contact the SearchStax Support Desk for additional information.