SearchStax Help Center

The SearchStax Help Center Frequently Asked Questions page includes FAQs about SearchStax Managed Search, our hosted Apache Solr Cloud service.

What Versions of Drupal Does SearchStax Support?

SearchStax customers have successfully integrated SearchStax Managed Search service with Drupal 7, Drupal 8, Drupal 9 and Drupal 10 websites.

  • Drupal 7 works with Solr versions up to 5.4.1, and can be adapted to use Solr 7.x.
  • Drupal 8 integrates with more recent versions of Solr. (Our testing used Solr 6.4.2 with Drupal 8)
  • Drupal 9 using Drupal’s Search API and its Search API Solr modules (we tested with Drupal 9.5.11 and Solr 8.11.2)
  • Drupal 10 using Drupal’s Search API and its Search API Solr modules (we tested with Drupal 10.1.4 and Solr 8.11.2)

In addition, SearchStax recently announced the availability of a Drupal Module that integrates SearchStax Site Search running on Apache Solr 8 with a Drupal 8 or 9 environment.

At a deeper level, the version of Solr doesn’t depend on the version of Drupal. Rather it depends on the version of the Drupal Search API Solr module. The Search API Solr 4.2.x supports Solr 3.6 to 8.x. Search API Solr 4.2.x can be installed in Drupal 7, 8, 9, and 10.


Do not hesitate to contact the SearchStax Support Desk.

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