
Search Experience Overview Site Search > Search Experience > Overview The SearchStax Site Search solution has an easy-to-use interface for updating, enhancing and managing the site search experience for your… Continue reading Overview


Analytics & Insights Overview Site Search > Analytics > Overview One of the key benefits of the SearchStax Site Search solution is the robust site search analytics provided by the… Continue reading Overview


SearchStax Site Search Dashboard Site Search > Analytics > Dashboard Analytics – Dashboard is the landing page for entering the SearchStax Site Search solution. It displays summary statistics for the… Continue reading Dashboard


Searches Site Search > Analytics > Searches The SearchStax Site Search solution’s Analytics Searches screen summarizes the user actions that the Search App has accumulated over the selected time period. … Continue reading Searches


Items Site Search > Analytics > Items The SearchStax Site Search solution’s Analytics – Items screen presents insights on the content that mattered most, least, and that did not interest… Continue reading Items

Power Search

Power Search Site Search > Analytics > Power Search A SearchStax Site Search solution’s Search App is a database that collects user search events from your search page. The Analytics… Continue reading Power Search

Search Feedback

Search Feedback Site Search > Analytics > Search Feedback The SearchStax Site Search solution’s Search Feedback page summarizes and tabulates the user feedback messages from your company’s Search Page, as… Continue reading Search Feedback

Analytics Glossary

Analytics Glossary This is a glossary of analytics metrics reported by the SearchStax Site Search solution. Description Example Total Searches Total Number of Search Requests in the selected time interval.… Continue reading Analytics Glossary

Results and Display

Results and Display Studio > Search Experience > Results Configuration > Results and Display Tab The SearchStax Site Search solution’s Results Configuration screen lets you configure two important features: Select… Continue reading Results and Display