Filing a Support Ticket for SearchStax Site Search

Site Search > Support Menu > Support

You can create a support ticket directly from the SearchStax Site Search solution’s interface. This is the best way to ask for help because the software automatically attaches meta information to the ticket behind the scenes. 

Look for the Support menu in the upper right corner of the screen. Click the Support menu item to see a summary table showing the status of previous tickets from this account.

List of support tickets.


Please note that you cannot read or update a ticket from this list. It shows status only. The support conversation with the user occurs in the user’s email account. Look there for updates.

To file a new ticket, click the Create a Support Ticket button. This opens a form. 

Support Ticket reporting form

Most of the ticket form should be self-explanatory. Just tell us what the problem is. We have support agents on duty 24/7, although some kinds of issues may have to wait until the U.S. business day.

Note that you can attach files to the ticket to help explain the problem. The form accepts PNG, JPG, TXT, ZIP, and CSV files up to 10 MB in size.

Let’s look more closely at the Type of Issue field. 

Support Ticket types of issues
  • Technical Support: Report any difficulty you have using SearchStax Site Search. 
  • General Product Questions: Wondering about current or future features? This is the place.
  • Account Access and Security: Report any difficulty you have with enrolling new users. 
  • Billing, Payments, Subscription Changes: You have questions about an invoice.
  • Solr Developer Advisory Services: Some of our clients have contracted for Solr advisory consulting services. 
  • Feature Requests and Bug Reports: Have a good idea for a new feature? Tell us!
  • Other: Anything else that is on your mind. 

Click the Send button to submit your request. Watch your email for a response. All further dialog about the ticket occurs in email, not through the SearchStax Site Search user interface.

If you don’t have access to SearchStax Site Search, you can send an email message to the SearchStax Support Desk or use our corporate Contact Us page.


Do not hesitate to contact the SearchStax Support Desk.