SearchStax Help Center

The SearchStax Help Center Frequently Asked Questions page includes FAQs about SearchStax Managed Search, our hosted Apache Solr Cloud service.

Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs)

From time to time, the Apache community announces a new security vulnerability (CVE) that impacts Solr. SearchStax carefully evaluates each threat and takes appropriate action to safeguard our clients. (See the Solr Security News for a comprehensive list of CVEs that have impacted Solr.)

The actions taken by SearchStax depend on the details of the CVE. Many CVEs do not impact the SearchStax Managed Search service, or exploit Solr features that SearchStax deployments do not use. Others are blocked by security features (IP Filtering and Basic Auth) that are routinely applied in SearchStax deployments. In rare cases, SearchStax has modified Solr configuration files for specific versions of Solr to prevent exploits in those versions. SearchStax does not offer Solr versions that have uncorrectable vulnerabilities.

Our actions are detailed in blog posts and documentation pages. If you have any further questions, please contact


Do not hesitate to contact the SearchStax Support Desk.

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