SearchStax Help Center

The SearchStax Help Center Frequently Asked Questions page includes FAQs about SearchStax Managed Search, our hosted Apache Solr Cloud service.

510 Not Extended Error

In the SearchStax Managed Search service, a 510 Error is usually accompanied by a message saying, “No active replicas found for collection.” It occurs at the end of a cascade of updates or queries that fill up JVM and run the system out of memory.

Look for solr_oom_killer log files on the servers. Each log represents a moment when the server ran out of memory and restarted itself.

Common Causes of 510 Errors

  • Expensive updates: New users sometimes overload Solr indexing by demanding a commit after every add (commit=true) or within a second of every add (commitWithin=1000). Frequent commits are expensive and can overload the system to the point of putting replicas into recovery mode. See Timeouts during ingestion: Too many commits!
  • Expensive queries: Another way to cause a gateway timeout is to send Solr a stream of expensive queries. New users often request a million response-items (rows=1000000) when ten would do. Queries using “deep pagination” can take a long time to complete. Logically complex queries (with many AND/OR clauses) can also be very slow. See Solr Out of Memory (OOM): Causes and Solutions.


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