SearchStax Site Search solution is engineered to give marketers the agility they need to optimize site search outcomes. Get full visibility into search analytics and make real-time changes with one click.
SearchStax Managed Search service automates, manages and scales hosted Solr infrastructure in public or private clouds. Free up developers for value-added tasks and reduce costs with fewer incidents.
March 07, 2017
Sameer Maggon
Pick a Cloud…Any Cloud
SearchStax’ Elasticsearch Service is Cloud agnostic. Host, deploy, manage and scale Elasticsearch applications in any cloud (including Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud). Enterprises choose cloud vendors based on different criteria. Those criteria can change over time – as they change, so too can the cloud provider.
Detailed query level metrics allows users to gain insights around what your users are searching for and how you can optimize search relevance. Get search conversion analytics, query level details and session level analytics to discover and track areas of improvement that can lead to increased click throughs and revenue.
Custom Plugin Support
Want to add the latest plugin or add a custom plugin to your Elasticsearch cluster? Elasticsearch Service by SearchStax supports custom plugins through their developer support.
“We’ve seen some of our customers struggle with their hosted Elasticsearch applications and felt there was a strong need for a fully managed Elasticsearch Service solution. They want to be able to focus on the interesting aspects of their job: application development and relevance tuning. And they want to leave the maintenance, support, care and feeding of the search infrastructure and tooling to someone else. Over the last year, we’ve really grown and learned from our Solr-as-a-Service customers and we’re applying these lessons learned to our customers who are utilizing Elasticsearch.”
-Sameer Maggon, CEO SearchStax